7 Tips For Returning to Racing
August 26, 2021
Almost every year there’s a time where swimmers of all levels take a break from the water. Whether it’s for rest or to just take a mental break from the pool, time off and away is important. After a break you may wonder what it’s going to feel like getting back into the swing of things. So many different questions running through your mind it can be overwhelming. Here's a few tips on how to return to racing.
1. Start Off Easy
Most swimmers when they return want to jump right back into where they left off the previous season. Starting off easy lets the body prepare for all the work ahead, plus it could help prevent future injuries. Talk to your coach about your training or if you swim on your own adjust your training plan as needed. Don't forget to trust the process.
2. Focus On The Basics
The first few practices, you should try to incorporate a lot of drills and basic technique. If you have the time or your coach gives you choice practice options, try to do drills so you can maximize your technique. Focus on the feel of the water, and what your body is telling you. Spend a lot of time mixing in different equipment so you can strengthen your stroke and be prepared for future training. Try drills you might not normally do and see how it feels in your swimming. Having the right gear can really make a difference when you’re starting to train again. If you need help finding the right drill talk to your coach or check out the swim.com app.
Shop the Latest Equipment Essential for Your Swims
3. Set Short and Long Term Goals
Goal setting is an essential part of swimming which will allow you to celebrate wins and track your progress along the way. Short term goals should consist of swimming a specific distance or swimming a specific amount of times each week. Long term goals should consist of times you would like to achieve or holding a specific pace in practice.
4. Talk To A Coach or Teammate About Your Swims
As your training ramps up and you begin to plan goals, discuss these things with your coach or teammate. These give you additional opinions on how to tackle your goals and ensure you’re headed in the right direction. Plus it's encouraging to have someone you trust along for the journey with you.
5. Rest and Recover
Rest is a crucial piece to training and being able to swim fast. Recovery comes in different ways for every swimmer too. Rolling out, stretching, ice baths, naps, and nutrition are some of the many ways you can recover between workouts and races. Having a solid recovery plan through your season can make the difference between a good swim and great swim.
6. Find the Perfect Suit
When you look good you feel good and that goes for swimming too! Having the best racing suit for your big meets is key to feeling fast in the water, especially after all the training you’ve done. Even if you're a veteran swimmer, its always best to try out new suits on occasion to see the different type of suit technology. Whether you like bright colored, super compressive, or something in between you can find the perfect suit on SwimOutlet!
7. Have Fun and Celebrate
The last thing you need to return to racing and probably the most important is to have fun and celebrate. Celebrate the little wins along the way! Whether it be swimming 3,000 yards in a practice, swimming 5 times in a week, or mastering a new drill; celebrating the wins along the way will keep you motivated and encourage you to have fun! At the end of the day swimming isn't just about laps, fitness, and racing; it’s about having fun and enjoying the process.