20 Things Only Swimmers Understand

March 03, 2015

20 Things Only Swimmers Understand
Table of Contents

Swimming isn't just a sport, it's a lifestyle. From the outside looking in you can’t understand it, and from the inside looking out you can’t describe it. 

If there's one thing we love about swimming, it's the unspoken bond you have with other swimmers worldwide. They don't just accept you for your weird (and sometimes questionable) devotion, they understand it. Whether it's excitement, dread, nerves, frustrations, joy, exhaustion, victories or losses-- swimmers just get it.

Here are 20 things only swimmers understand; 

1. Going to school after a hard morning practice is the worst thing in the world.

2. There's never a wrong time for pizza.

3. Speaking of food, counting calories is simply impossible to keep track of.

4. Just because we're in swimsuits all the time, doesn't mean we have to shave our legs.

5. Peeing in the pool-- don't lie, every swimmer does it.

6. When you go to school with your events still written on your arm, and your teacher thinks you're cheating.

7. Oxygen is overrated. 

8. The agony of a walk of shame over to your coach after a bad race.

9. Don't try to tell us that hunger isn't an emotion because we feel that deep in our soul. 

10. Having to buy a large or extra-large just so it fits over your shoulders.

11. Team bonding-- the weirder, the better. 

12. If singing the same song in your head for 3 hours straight is wrong, we don't want to be right. How else are we supposed to entertain ourselves?

13. Taper. The greatest word you hear all season. 

14. Deck changing is a great life skill.

15. "I can't, I have practice." 

16. We'd rather swim in cold water than warm water (barbaric, we know). 

17. Green hair; it's not a fashion statement, it's a right of passage. 

18. When your non-swimmer friends say, "I swam this weekend," you can't help but laugh. 

19. The consequences of skipping practice are much scarier than any butterfly set your coach throws at you. 

20. The feeling you get when a package from SwimOutlet.com comes in the mail!

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