Aquamoji from Available Now for the iPhone!

San Jose, CA (November 9, 2017) – Looking for the best way to express your swimmer problems, swimming life and endless time in and around the pool to your friends by text? Then download the new series of Aquamojis from on your iPhone with over 50 stickers and swim-related emojis to instantly communicate your swimmer feelings to your friends, teammates and family.
Dreading early morning practice?'s Aquamojis have you covered. Felt like bawling after a tough set this morning (again)? There's a sticker for that! Craving pizza, or burgers, after a big meet? You can perfectly convey your ravenous appetite with one single push on your iPhone. Want to highlight your raccoon eyes tan? No need to write it out.
The new Aquamoji messaging stickers are created exclusively by and for swimmers because we feel their pain, recognize their sacrifices and celebrate their accomplishments in the pool.
"These swim-specific stickers are something that has been missing for the swim community," said Raphael Morin, Art Director, "We wanted to design Aquamojis that would help swimmers and their friends communicate in a fun way via social media, instant messaging and texting"
The new Aquamoji app from supports the iMessage keyboard and also works as a standalone app as well. In addition, new stickers will be added weekly, to keep the app fresh. And to get swimmers started, is offering a $200 Gift Card giveway on Instagram this month for those who use the new Aquamojis in their IMs. Go to Instagram @swimoutlet or see more entry information below.
- Aquamojis available for download here on the App Store
- Enter to win $200 gift card in the Aquamoji contest!
- Learn more about Aquamojis at