Five Synchronized Swimming Moves You Can Do on Day One

January 22, 2024

Just because you are a newbie doesn’t mean you can’t start doing some synchronized swimming right away! These moves are possible to learn on your very first day of giving synchro a try.

If there’s a more experienced swimmer at the pool with you, have them demonstrate the move for you first. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Since you probably haven’t learned much in the way of sculling techniques yet, use your hands as best you can to hold you up when your legs are busy with these moves.

1. The Tub

To learn to do a tub position, follow these simple steps.

  1. Lay your head down on the water so you’re facing the ceiling or sky.
  2. Tuck up your knees to your chest, so they are close to the surface.
  3. Bring your feet up now. Try to get your shins totally flat on the surface from ankles to knees.

To make the tub position into a simple figure, start lying on your back.

  1. Lie out on the surface (just like when you practice floating on your back).
  2. Bend your knees in towards your chest until you reach the tub position.
  3. Try to keep your feet up the whole time!
  4. Extend your legs back out to the back layout position.

2. The Back Tuck

This is a fast fun move you’ll probably want to just keep doing over and over, until you get too dizzy. This version would work well in a beginners’ routine.

  1. Start laid out on the surface face up (the back layout position).
  2. Grab a big scoop of water with your arms by reaching out to your sides underwater.
  3. Force yourself backward and underwater by pushing your hands overhead. At the same
  4. time, tuck your knees to your chest and make yourself into the smallest ball possible (the tuck position).
  5. Flip yourself over backwards by pushing the water over your head. Roll over almost all the way and go under water at the same time.
  6. Do steps two, three, and four fast and with momentum.
Mental Edge

Experiment with your own original synchro moves. As a newcomer to the sport, you have a fresh outlook which could lead you to creating synchro moves that no one else has thought up before. And even though you’re technically practicing, creating your own moves and learning new ones still feels like playing in the pool!


3. The Water Wheel

This move has probably been around since the beginning of synchronized swimming history. It has stood the test of time because the swirly affect it makes is as much fun to do as it is to watch!

  1. Start again in the back layout position.
  2. Touch your right foot to your left knee. Bend your left at the same angle.
  3. Make your position flat – lift both knees and feet up to the surface.
  4. Paddle yourself around in a circle to the right until you’ve made one full turn.
  5. Try switching legs and turning the other direction if you’re feeling ambitious!

4. The Oyster

The oyster is named for the way your body closes up like two oyster shells when you do it.

  1. Once again, start on your back. (You’ll soon find out that numerous synchro moves start in a back layout.)
  2. Bring your hands over your head so you’re fully stretched out on the surface.
  3. With straight arms and legs, touch your feet and hands. They should meet in the middle, pointing up to the sky, right over your hips.
  4. Sink underwater, bottom first.

5. The Boost

A boost is simply launching as high out of the water headfirst as you can. You’ve probably already done this when you were just playing in the pool – the only difference is that you can’t touch the bottom.

  1. Go underwater.
  2. Squish up your body like a spring ready to… Exactly: Spring!
  3. Push down with your hands, and do one giant breaststroke kick to propel yourself headfirst out of the water.
  4. Sink with your body straight, and you’re done!

A Sense of Accomplishment

Learning to do some actual synchro moves on your first day of giving synchro a try will get you feeling excited about the sport. Of course you will have to dedicate time to the basic skills too like eggbeatering and sculling. But, remember to enjoy the learning process because especially in the beginning your improvement rate will be fast and exciting!

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