How to Care for Rashguards

January 22, 2024

How to Care for Rashguards
Table of Contents

After spending a day in the sand and surfing the waves in the sun, it's probably our first inclination to strip off our wet gear, throw it in a dirty clothes hamper, and worry about it later. As easy as that sounds, it’s not in the best interest of your rashguard. In order for rashguards to last long and perform at their maximum capacity, they need to be washed and cared for properly. Here are some easy steps to take to preserve the life of your rashies:


  • After wearing, immediately rinse your gear with cool, fresh water.
  • NEVER wad up your rashguard and throw it in a bag just to sit in a hot car for the drive home. Rinse it immediately! Sun, salt, fresh water particles, and chlorine will take a toll on the fabric so rinse your rashguard as soon as possible!

Washing & Drying

  • Do not use hot water! This can damage your rashies. Instead, use cool or tepid water.
  • Never wash your rashguard in a washer or with other garments. Always wash by hand.
  • Use a biodegradable soap or swimsuit cleaner that will help remove salt, chlorine and organic residues. Never use bleach or any harsh cleaner.
  • Turn your rashguard inside out when washing.
  • Keep your rashguard inside out while drying.
  • Never place the gear in a dryer! The best way to dry your rashguards is to hang them to drip dry away from direct heat and sun.
  • Do not use a wire hanger as they can leave awkward indentations in the fabric. Use a wooden or plastic hanger!
  • You can lay it flat to dry if you do not have the means to hang it. 


  • Use a heavy, padded hanger to store your rashguards. 
  • Store on a hanger or flat - do not fold or cram into a drawer because it can weaken fabric.
  • Do not store in your car - heat will also weaken the fabric.

General Care:

  • To remove strong odors, fill a sink or bucket with cool water and add one cup of baking soda. Allow the rash guard to soak overnight. Then rinse with cool water and dry in a breezy spot.
  • Never iron rashguards! High heat is damaging to rashguard fabrics and should always be avoided.
  • Stay away from oil, gasoline, chemical solvents and aerosols because the stains are impossible to remove and will weaken the fabric.

When you spend the extra time to care for your surf gear properly, you'll find it not only lasts longer, but it maintains its color and wear much longer. When you invest in the best rashguards, you want to make sure to get the most our of your purchase. With simple steps such as the ones above, your rashguard will look new even months after it's been used! 


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