Brand Q&A: Catching Up With Blueseventy

September 24, 2015 | By

Bluesevently recently launched their latest NERO TX tech suit. The suit has certainly made an impression in the swim community for its enhanced technology and colorful style. But Blueseventy is more than just top-of-the-line tech suits and fun practice gear, they're a leader in the triathlon industry. We caught up with Blueseventy's marketing manager Helen Gorman on some of the latest Blueseventy developments. Blog: Blueseventy has been a popular open water swim brand for years, but you are moving more and more into high-end tech suits. Tell us about that evolution?

Blueseventy: Our heritage is open water, but we’ve been involved in pool swimming since before the Beijing Olympics, that’s eight years of making performance swimwear for swimmers in the highest level of competition. It’s a market we feel we can make a difference in. Blog: The NERO was your debut elite suit, any hints about what’s to come in 2016 for the tech suit?

Blueseventy: Our 2016 tech suit is something we have been working on for a couple of years, it’s very different. Our current suits use a one-piece-construction design, but our new suit blends fabrics to positively influence swimmer comfort and body positioning in the water. We’ve taken inspiration from other areas of the technical sports clothing market to come up with something that is unique and very exciting. Blog: What’s your brand ethos, you don’t have a lot of elite pool swimmers on your sponsorship roster but you’ve signed a ton of open water swimmers and triathletes– is that the main focus for Blueseventy?

Blueseventy: We’re probably working with more elite swimmers that you might be aware of – including the USA team captain from this summer’s world championships and an Australian medal winner from the women’s medley relay.

Triathlon and open water swimming is huge part of our history and where a lot of our passion lies. It’s also what separates us from the other pool brands. Our experience designing wetsuits and swimskins and the technology we work with is what helps us create products that are fundamentally different than other products on the market.

We sponsor athletes who believe in our products, and they have done us proud taking our nero suits to Olympic finals, and won world, Commonwealth, European and Pan Pacific medals. We look for young swimmers who are on their way up, or those with unique stories, and we work with arguably the best masters swimmer in the world. In terms of juniors, one of our former athletes won gold medals in Kazan, so we know how to spot talent! Blog: Tell us about your continued involvement in triathlon as both a leader in wetsuits and success with Blueseventy athletes?

Blueseventy: Our brand grew up with triathlon, the ITU and Ironman. Our design team is made up of avid athletes and former professionals. They take their job very seriously. Designing the fastest and most comfortable swimming wetsuit is what drives them and it’s way the best triathletes wear blueseventy. Blog: Your gear is unique in that it is designed with the open water swimmer in mind, can you give us a little insight to your design process?

Blueseventy: Sure, we have a dedicated triathlon team designing wetsuits, swimskins and tri apparel, and we have a dedicated swim team designing tech pool suits and practice swim wear. They talk to each other and share technologies. If something makes sense to cross over then we do it, but our tech suits are designed with the pool in mind. Blog: What are some other product categories where we can expect to see fresh new products from Blueseventy?

Blueseventy: We have looked at expanding into other product categories over the years and honestly, sample after sample did not produce anything different. We’re not interested in making the same stuff the other brands already have and stamping a blue and orange stripe on it. That’s not us.

For the time being we are focused on bettering our current product offerings and getting our products out to a broader audience, such as last year we started working with a few modern pentathletes at international level, including the women’s world record holder in the pool.

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