10 Fitness Goals for 2018 That Are Actually Attainable

January 02, 2018 | By

As we gear up for the New Year, we’re doing so with a fresh set of fitness goals. Instead of focusing on a number on the scale, or getting a podium finish at the end of a race, we’re striving for everyday excellence. By choosing more attainable fitness goals, in both the kitchen and at the pool, you’re setting yourself up for healthier and happier lifestyle.

To kick-off 2018, we’re celebrating a fresh start with 10 resolutions that are actually attainable #ForEveryFitnessGoal.

1) Drink more water – Staying hydrated will keep you more energized, and ultimately more efficient in your training.

2) Try something new – Mixing up your routine by trying something new, like water aerobics, surfing or soul cycle, will make working out seem less like a chore and more like a hobby.

3) Stretch more – If you ask most athletes, they’d recommend doing yoga a couple times a week to stretch out sore and tired muscles—and we think they’re on to something!

4) Vow to workout at least 3-times a week – Decide what the minimum amount of hours you want to spend at the pool each week is, and commit to doing at least that.

5) Use a new piece of gear to improve your technique – Each month, introduce a new training tool or piece of gear in to your workout. This will help you learn more about your form and technique, ultimately making you more efficient and stronger.

6) Eat out less – You know what they say, abs are made in the kitchen. You don’t have to promise to eat salads twice a day, everyday, but make sure what you’re eating is reflecting all of the hard work you’re putting in, in and outside of the pool.

7) Have a positive attitude – Your attitude is everything. One of your goals this year should be to make a conscious effort to believe in yourself!

8) Choose one race to sign up for – Choose your end game. Whether that’s a local swim meet, a triathlon at the end of the season, a half marathon or a summer nationals—having an end goal will make your training more worthwhile.

9) Get enough sleep – Sleep is key, especially when you’re training. This year, make a point to listen to your body and allow yourself to rest when necessary.

10)  Give it your all – Above all, make a promise to yourself to give it all you’ve got in 2018. At the end of the day, all you can ask for is your best effort.

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