10 Must Haves for the Girl on the Go

July 01, 2015 | By

Whether it’s rushing to work, jamming to happy hour, heading to the gym, or even worse...stuck in traffic when you're already late-- we're always on the go! It goes without saying that you absolutely cannot leave the house without the purse trifecta (wallet, cellphone & keys), but what are the extra necessities? To help you busy-bees, we dumped out our purses and put together a list of 10 Items that every “girl on the go” should keep with her.

The next time you have a jam-packed week, make sure you have these essentials in your purse (you can thank us later); 

1. Hair ties and bobby pins – every girl can relate, bobby-pins and hair ties always go missing, so finding these at the bottom of your bag is like finding gold! We are hooked on the Emi-Jay Neoprene Hair Ties!

2. Perfume – a great tip is to buy a roller ball or ask for some free samples at the beauty counter! The mini-perfumes are convenient & the perfect size for your purse or clutch.

3. A healthy snack – avoid being “hangry” or finding yourself at the nearest drive-thru, and carry a healthy alternative to hold you over until your next meal.

4. Headphones – Whether you're commuting in NYC or training for a half-marathon on your lunch break, headphones are the “girl on the go’s” best friend. Trust us. 

5. $20 cash – avoid ATM fees or credit card minimums by carrying spare cash. 

6. Reusable water bottle – hydration is important, especially for the girl who's constantly on the move. Step up your water game and try one of our Infused Water Recipes in your favorite glass bottle!

7. Compact mirror – this is vital for last minute primping, or making sure that there’s nothing in your teeth. You never know who you're going to meet!

8. Mint, gum, floss or a toothbrush –  we are big advocates for anything that keeps your mouth minty fresh, especially after mid-day meals, before a big meeting or pre-date!

9. Hand sanitizer – running from place to place means a lot of contact with different environments and people-- AKA germs. Using hand sanitizer is just a good way to protect yourself from germs and from spreading them too.

10. Planner – this is a must for every busy-bees' sanity. The easiest way to avoid a meltdown? Being organized!

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